

如果你打算转到俄亥俄州的另一个公共机构, 在十大网赌网站大全完成俄亥俄转学是一个很好的选择.


俄亥俄转运36号在十大网赌网站大全 文学副学士 (AA)学位和十大网赌网站大全 理学副学士(AS)在十大网赌网站大全的学位选择. Students completing an Applied Associate degree may choose to 取 additional coursework to complete the 俄亥俄转学. Students in our Applied Associate degrees should work with their academic advisors and financial aid if they want to complete the 俄亥俄转学.

Hocking College offers all-inclusive pricing and works with students to assure they have complete college funding, 包括经济援助, 在开始上课之前.



的定价 住房和膳食计划 可以在网上找到吗.


该计划旨在满足个人目标和目的, 因此,没有课程可供转36.


Most students who go on to complete their 文学副学士 degree end up transferring to a 4-year college or university.

学生学习成果 (SLOs) are 状态ments of what a student will be able to do when they have completed a program. They represent the knowledge and skills a program has determined are most important for students to gain from that program and include both the Success Skills (institutional outcomes) and 项目的结果. SLOs are specific and measurable so the program can accurately assess the degree to which students have achieved each outcome, 他们与大学和机构的使命和价值观一致. slo成绩的数据被用来改进课程,提高学生的成功. 


1)表现出良好的批判性思维, information literacy and technological competency in the production of academic writing and presentations

2)运用数学方法, 统计或分析推理,批判性地评估数据, 解决问题并有效沟通发现.

3)表现出社会意识, 塑造个人的政治和经济力量, 现代社会的机构和社区.

4)Understand social justice and the diversities and complexities of the cultural and social world past and present and come to an informed sense of self and others.


6)培养道德价值观, 个人健康和个人学习策略在整个人的发展, 心, 身体和精神.

7) Integrate content material to application in the workforce and apply discipline specific knowledge and skills to successfully transfer or effectively meet the expectations of internships, 工作场所, 志愿服务和/或创业努力.

8) Utilize the ethical and professional application of current information technology and tools effectively.


以下结果是技能, 行为, 以及在寻求俄亥俄转校的学生中培养的态度. 

  • 俄亥俄大学转学36 is a customized program designed to meet the career goals of the individual student.


  • 所有已注册的秋季/秋季学生,并具有下一个秋季/秋季的注册状态.
  • 不包括特殊人群-大学学分加, 非学位, 在线军事和大学中心.
  • 潜在的 即将到来的秋季不包括秋季、春季和夏季学期的毕业生.
学年 保留率
2016 - 2017 27%
2015 - 2016 26%
2014 - 2015 27%



毕业率由机构研究办公室决定. 确保有适当的时间收集数据, 该报告将在上一学年每年9月的最后一周运行并发布. 值得注意的是,随着学生继续毕业,每年的毕业率可能会发生变化. 毕业率的计算将采用以下标准:

  • 总体课程完成率定义为以下比例的百分比: 


  • 为了报告的目的,课程完成率按入学学年汇总.
  • A student is considered to have completed or graduated from a program or certificate by virtue of having been awarded the degree or certificate.
  • A student is considered to be undertaking activity in a program of study for the duration of time that they are in an active status in a program or certificate. This is defined by having a Program of Study with a status of ‘A’ during the duration of time they are taking coursework.  Should a student move in and out of active status in a program of study while continuing to 取 coursework, we only 取 into account the student’s activity while the program has an active status for that particular program of study.
学年 毕业率
2016 - 2017 1.35%
2015 - 2016 1.09%
2014 - 2015 1.02%

俄亥俄大学转学36, which is a subset or the complete set of a public college's or university's general education requirement that represents a common body of knowledge and academic skills, 包括36-40个学时的俄亥俄转36个课程在以下领域:

  • 英语写作和口语交流
  • 数学、统计学和逻辑学
  • 艺术与人文
  • 社会与行为科学
  • 自然科学.

获得文科副学士(AA)或理科副学士(AS)学位的十大网赌网站大全学生, 包括俄亥俄转36号吗, 是否符合接收机构的俄亥俄转36要求. An institution will apply transferred courses to general education requirements which go beyond those included in the 俄亥俄转学 on a course-by-course basis.

Hocking College students who have not earned an associate degree but who have completed our 俄亥俄转学 是否符合接收机构的俄亥俄转36要求. An institution will apply transferred courses to general education requirements which go beyond those included in the 俄亥俄转学 on a course-by-course basis. Students may be able to complete their 文学副学士 or 理学副学士 degree through a process called 反向传输.

Students will receive credit for successfully completed courses from the 俄亥俄转学 without having completed the entire module. The applicability of individual 俄亥俄转学 approved courses will depend on the approval type within the 俄亥俄转学. 俄亥俄转学 courses reviewed and approved using only the established 状态wide learning outcomes will be guaranteed to be applied as equivalent courses at the receiving institution. 如果没有相应的课程, the credit hours associated with the course will be applied toward the appropriate area on a course-by-course basis.

Credit hours associated with 俄亥俄转学 approved courses that were reviewed and approved using a hybrid of established 状态wide guidelines and learning outcomes will be guaranteed to transfer among public institutions of higher education and be applied appropriately on a course-by-course basis.


两门课程的所有课程都是可转学的,但课程设置略有不同. 文科副学士  更多的人文和艺术课程,而理科副学士的学生  更多的自然科学和社会科学课程.


Some AA and AS students want more curriculum flexibility and can design their own curriculum by splitting required technical credits between two different fields of study.

例如, a student might want to 取 15 credits from the Business curriculum and 15 credits from the Accounting curriculum along with the 30+ required general credits to create an Associate of 侦探hnical Studies. Business and Music Management is another example of an ATS degree that combines the curriculum of two majors to create a degree unique to student needs.

Can AA/AS advisors help students figure out how to begin the process of transferring to another institution?

是的, academic advisors can help students figure out how to access information about transferring to other colleges in 状态 或州外,并协助学生的申请过程.


通过教育开始你人生的下一个阶段似乎令人望而生畏. 这就是为什么十大网赌网站大全在这里帮助你走好每一步.
